Woburn, MA (781) 647.1010 | Bridgewater , MA (508) 880.3294| Warwick, RI (401) 738.1470

The Benefits Of Working With A Local Wireless Solutions Provider

Motorola Solutions dealer in the metropolitan Boston area

With hundreds of wireless solutions dealers to choose from, selecting the provider that’s best suited for your business needs can be a challenge.

What’s most important to you? Whether you’re after a diverse catalog of products, industry-specific solutions, personalized customer service, or all of the above, identifying your preferences can help you narrow down your choices significantly.

If a personalized experience is important to you as a client, working with a local wireless solutions provider could be right for you. Local wireless solutions providers like CyberComm offer devoted customer service, location accessibility, and expertise rooted in passion. Here are a few benefits of working with a local provider.

Unparalleled Customer Service

When you choose to work with a local provider, you’ll experience a dedication to your satisfaction that larger corporations are unable to provide. You’ll work with a team of representatives who understand you and your unique needs, while being easily accessible to handle any of your inquiries. You won’t go weeks without a reply to your email or call: Communication will be timely, thorough, and committed to addressing your concerns.

With CyberComm, you are not just another name or number: You’re like family. We offer over 25 years of service and commitment to our valued New England customers. Our mission is to provide each of our customers with quality two-way radio communications systems plus the equipment, maintenance, warranty and repair service you depend on. We will not settle until you’re satisfied.

Accessibility to Service Centers

Partnering with a local wireless solutions provider means that your trusted sales representatives, technicians, and maintenance crew are right around the corner to assist you. We welcome you to visit our service centers for personable assistance, product demos, or just to touch base on your communication and security needs. There will always be a friendly face to greet you.

Cyber Communications has service centers located in the Boston Metropolitan area including Woburn and Bridgewater, Massachusetts, as well as Warwick, Rhode Island. Each location provides all aspects of sales and service for Motorola’s two-way radio product lines. With the largest FCC-certified service team in New England, including a crew of on-call technicians, CyberComm can provide emergency service and support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in counties across Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Founded With Passion

You deserve nothing less than excellence when it comes to servicing your communication and security solutions. Knowing that your provider is knowledgeable and committed to the functionality and dependability of your technology will save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Local businesses offer more than just excellent customer service: They exhibit personal passion that stems from a sense of community and loyalty to their company.

Cyber Communications Solutions began with the purchase of three radio service centers from Motorola, Inc. in 1996. Since then, our continuation of the Motorola quality our customers expect has remained consistent. It is thanks to years of dedication and love for what we do that we can celebrate our status as a premier service provider in New England.

Working with CyberComm

If you’re a New England business in search of a trusted wireless solutions provider, call CyberComm. We tick all of the boxes above: with an extensive catalog of solutions for all industries, paired with the dedication and expertise of our certified technicians, our service doesn’t disappoint.

Get in touch with CyberComm today.